Following your attack, you could need psychological assistance.

Psychological assistance is essentially based on listening to and comforting the victim of the attack and to liberate them from their anxiety.

Treated by a professional, psychological assistance can simply be moral support, as it can be maybe the beginning of a therapy to overcome better this situation.


You have been the victim of an attack, domestic violence, an accident or even a sexual attack, that has hurt you physically, morally and your life has been threatened.

After such an event, some psychological difficulties can appear immediately or after some months and can affect your daily life.

These difficulties appear differently such as for example:

  • Headaches, abdominal pain, a loss of appetite, problems with your sleep, nightmares, fatigue, sexual difficulties…
  • Sadness, fear, anxiety, nervousness resulting from noise, you avoid certain locations or fear of going outside.
  • You have the feeling that your life has been threatened, certain images of this event are present continually in your mind, you have difficulty to concentrate, memory loss.
  • You feel misunderstood, you suffer from irritability, you are aggressive, and your relationships with your family, sentimental ones, and amical or professional have changed.

Your child has been the victim of an attack, violence, bullying, an accident or even a sexual attack that has violated their body or them morally and they feel in danger.

This event can lead to psychological repercussions for your child which can be immediate or appear after a few months.

Each child reacts differently, notably according to their age:

  • From a physical point of view: by the appearance of an upset stomach, a loss of appetite, difficulties regarding hygiene.
  • From an emotional point of view: outbursts of anger, crying fits, nightmares, fear most of all at the moment of going to sleep.
  • From a behavioural point of view: agitation or passivity, running away, a sudden loss of interest in playing games or the repitive games. Your child seems isolated, and has become introverted.
  • From a school point of view: a drop in school grades, difficulties to concentrate or to return to school, including being absent.

For your child, this attack can lead to immediate psychological difficulties or can appear after a few months.

But each child reacts differently, depending on their age and if they know their attacker or not.

Adolescents can feel a disgust towards sexuality, or on the contrary can multiple their sexual encounters non protected.

In addition to these problems, they can experience other types of behaviour where they put themselves in danger (running away, alcohol consumption, drug use…).



In addition to family support and support from your friends, you can consult a psychiatrist or a psychologist who are professionals who can listen to you and assist you psychologically.

The difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist is that the psychiatrist is a specialised doctor, who can equally prescribe medication.

They can assist you during sessions to express your difficulties, to understand them and to overcome them.

The duration of this treatment, called psychotherapy, varies depending on the event which you have suffered and the evolution of your state.

Regarding children and adolescents, you can consult a pedospsychatrist, a specialised doctor or either a child psychologist.

They can assist your child to express themselves by using, according to their age, games, drawings or sessions which permit them to overcome the event that they went through.


These professionals are divided between:

    • The public sector at the Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace, where consultations with a medical psychiatrist are reimbursed up to 80% by the Monegasaque Social Security or 100% if the insured benefits from an exoneration of the moderator ticket due to their pathology or treatment followed.
    • The private sector, where you can consult a psychologist, or a medical psychiatrist.

The consultations with a medical psychiatrist are partially reimbursed by the Social Security. You can ask for a professional of your choice. Ask your general practitioner for advice.

You can also ask advice form the A.V.I.P. for a consultation with a psychologist. The A.V.I.P. will inform you regarding your rights and will assist you and accompany you with your steps. These services are free.


If following this event you encounter social difficulties, such as financial or accommodation problems, you can ask Social Services at the Direction de l’Action for Sanitaire et Sociale where you can contact social assistants at : 98 98 82 55.